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Cholera is an infection that can cause severe diarrhoea. It's not found in the UK, but there's a very small risk of getting it while travelling in some parts of the world.
- drinking unclean water
- eating food (particularly shellfish) that's been in unclean water
- eating food that's been handled by an infected person
It's mainly found in places without a clean water supply or modern sewage system, such as parts of Africa and Asia.
How to avoid cholera while travelling
- Good hygiene can help stop you getting ill while travelling in areas where cholera is found.
- Wash your hands with soap and water regularly, especially after using the toilet and before preparing food or eating.
- Only drink tap water that's been boiled or bottled water.
- Brush your teeth using bottled or boiled water
- Don't eat uncooked fruit and vegetables, shellfish or seafood or ice cream or have ice in your drinks.